word of mouth

Are you wondering if I’m the right teacher for you?

The best way to find out is to come try a class. But it’s also reassuring to know what others think …

Rochelle’s Yoga classes are inspirational and also made me think differently about my body. Rochelle explained philosophical concepts in a very accessible way, which made me realise she had thought deeply about these things. She has the teacher’s gift of taking abstract concepts and making them real for people. Being in Rochelle’s presence makes me feel recharged and it makes me go into the world feeling inspired to do things a little differently. I feel calm and connected to life. Caroline, Australia


Rochelle’s classes are amazing. I have gained so much strength, self-awareness and confidence since working with her. She is full of knowledge and compassion and makes her classes so individually focused. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Lorna, NZ


Rochelle has a wonderful ability to explain and teach, allowing me to truly be aware of my body and its healing ability. A wonderful, relaxing class that I look forward to every week. Andrea, NZ


Fabulous, makes me feel great. Awesome knowledgeable instructor. Love it! Deb, NZ


I like your straight up approach, sense of humour and lack of vanity. You allow for people’s individual pace and offer individual adjustments, and class is strong enough if people want to extend themselves. You’re open and available for discussion afterwards if I have any concerns. Thanks Rochelle – I have tried out three other classes … and they weren’t for me but I am loving your class. Willow NZ


Rochelle is extremely knowledgeable and respectful. She is incredibly articulate and will be able to help you refine and improve your practice, or provide an excellent introduction to yoga. Her anatomical and other knowledge is broad and deep, which means that I feel very physically safe in her classes. Madeline NZ


Thank you Rochelle, I really look forward to my yoga each week. I like that you provide a good overall class that is strength building and includes flowing poses with attention to alignment and good use of props. It’s also great for relaxation. And you’re a lovely person. Nic NZ


Love your class, you’re doing a fab job! I like that your classes are unpretentious and you try to assure we do poses correctly, with flexibility to find our own way. You offer a really safe and thorough practise of yoga. You challenge us but do so safely, which I like. Michelle NZ


Saturday morning yoga is a lovely start to the weekend and something I always look forward to. I like how you explain things clearly including the reasoning behind postures and working on the integrity of the posture. Amy NZ


And to my students: Thank you! I feel so fortunate to bring something beneficial into people’s lives and to have such gorgeous students. The collective energy in our classes is truly beautiful and inspiring to me.



Rochelle x